Interested in buying real estate?

RD Vastgoed has very diverse real estate offerings throughout the Netherlands.

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Benefits of buying through RD Vastgoed


We only bring exclusive propositions to the attention of our investors, which not only prioritize exclusivity but also focus on returns.

Nationwide coverage

RD Vastgoed does not limit itself to a particular region and thus has real estate propositions throughout the Netherlands.

Investments & developments

The propositions we offer to our investors consist of both investments and developments, ranging from around 100,000 to several million euros.


All our offerings are sold off-market and are not offered on other platforms or sales websites.


With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, RD Vastgoed proves its reliability with consistently high ratings nationwide.

Help from A-Z

Purchasing through RD Vastgoed does not stop at receiving offers. In addition to scheduling viewings and signing the purchase contract, we remain involved in the purchase until the transfer.

Free advice

Indien gewenst kunnen wij je ook ondersteunen bij het maken van de juiste keuzes. Denk hierbij aan onder andere fiscaal en financieel advies op maat.

Guaranteed returns

Naast het begeleiden bij het aankopen kunnen wij je ook voorzien van het vinden en selecteren van de juiste huurders voor je belegging.


RD Vastgoed is committed to long-term partnerships. Sharing our network with our customers is central to this.

What our customers say